BCT GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS)
Available to provide engineering and consulting services to any agency of the U. S. Government.

BCT GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS)

GSA's One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) contract is designed to cover an expansive range of professional services and is organized within six functional disciplines: program management services, management consulting services, scientific services, engineering services, logistics services, and financial services. These functional disciplines span all lifecycle phases to support totally integrated program solutions within task orders.

OASIS has seven pools of awardees and BCT LLC is an awardee in Small Business Pool 3 for Engineering and Consulting Services. Within OASIS, opportunities will be released into the awardee pools based upon the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for each pool.

Key features of OASIS

  • Contract type: Multiple Award Contract (MAC)
  • Contract value: No dollar ceiling
  • Pricing types: Fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, labor-hour, time and materials
  • Period of performance: September 3, 2014 through September 2, 2024

Learn More about OASIS Best In Class

GSA on YouTube This video outlines the OASIS contract.

Whom Do I Contact


Send inquiries to: OASIS@BCT-LLC.com

Contracts Manager: Scott A. Lacy

Program Manager: Brian J. Donnelly


Office: (301) 498-3610

Fax: (301) 498-3615

ContractorBCT LLC
Contract No.47QRAD20D3046
Contract PeriodSeptember 3, 2014 through September 2, 2024

OASIS Small Business Contract (Pool 3)

OASIS Task Orders

  • Span many areas of expertise and mission space;
  • Span multiple professional service disciplines;
  • Allow flexibility for all contract types, including hybrids and cost-reimbursement, at the task order level; and
  • Allow ancillary support components, commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs (ODC), at the task order level

How to use OASIS

Two ways to access OASIS:

  • Direct Acquisition - GSA issues a Delegation of Procurement Authority to the customer agency Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO) who performs the acquisition; or
  • Assisted Acquisition - GSA performs the acquisition on behalf of the customer agency and provides post-award support, as negotiated with the customer. An Inter-Agency Agreement is required.

GSA Resources

BCT Seal

10810 Guilford Road, Suite 111 | Annapolis Junction, MD 20701